Anita uses only the best-quality print provider, Arthouse Reproductions and we both proudly stand by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. In the unfortunate event you are not completely satisfied with your order when you receive it, we guarantee to reprint it until you are, or refund your order in full. Please notify Anita within 7 days of receiving your order if there are any issues you'd like to discuss.
While we use the best and most appropriate products available for each order at the time, there are factors beyond our control that can affect the life of a print. Under normal household conditions, you could reasonably expect a pigment print on top-quality paper or canvas to last 3-4 generations (80 -100 years) without noticeable fading. All longevity tests are done in controlled environments, using advanced aging techniques. The real world is quite different. Apart from simple UV light fade, there are other factors such as humidity, air pollution, improper framing, etc that can affect the life of a print, not to mention floods, fires, and accidental damage. The Art House Warranty covers all possibilities!
All our products are covered by our 50% REPLACEMENT WARRANTY. If ANYTHING should happen to your print or fine art reproduction, we will replace it for 50% of the current price as per the terms listed below:
• If your print fades, falls off the wall and gets damaged, warps, cracks, or is damaged in any way, we will replace it for you at 50% of the current printing cost. Your replacement print will be ready within 7 days. All we require is that you pay for the freight for your new print, provided the original print is returned to us.
• Due to copyright laws, we will arrange a replacement through the artist, and we must get the artist's approval before making any replacement. Please email Anita to discuss and lodge your claim.
• Frames are not included in this warranty.
If you have any further queries relating to our reproduction guarantee and warranty, please contact Anita.